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Ex-NYPD Cop Claims Termination Under ‘Unknown’ Circumstances

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Eric Sanders, Esq., of The Sanders Firm, P.C., has announced that Ex-NYPD police officer, Marquis Anderson, filed a charge of discrimination with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission [EEOC] against the police department of the City of New York. Anderson alleges race discrimination and retaliation


NEW YORK – September 18, 2023 – Anderson’s ordeal began in November 2022, after he had taken several days off work to recover from COVID-19, in compliance with the current guidelines. Anderson claims he was met with resistance after requesting additional time off related to his illness. Anderson alleges the supervising officer dismissed his concerns and referred him to the Medical Division, claiming that his reasons were insufficient to be excused.

Upon reporting to the Medical Division, Anderson alleges that he was redirected to the Psychological Evaluation Section without cause. In fact, upon reporting to the Department Psychologist, she was perplexed as to why Anderson was referred for psychological evaluation; however, Anderson claims that she placed him on Restricted Duty after a brief conversation. Before this, Anderson claims he successfully completed all of the prerequisites to graduate from the Police Academy including passing the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory [MMPI-2] and all related written, physical and academic examinations.

In the Charge, Anderson claims that this restriction, which was imposed with no reason provided, unfairly prevented him from graduating from the Police Academy. Further, Anderson claims the Department Psychologist suggested he seek out a private counselor, which he did. According to Anderson, the Licensed Mental Health Counselor allegedly expressed confusion as to why he was asked seek private counseling and made multiple unsuccessful attempts to contact the Department Psychologist. The situation culminated in the Department Psychologist recommending his separation from service in April 2023 based on ‘information’ that was collected during his sessions.

“Standard psychological testing, when used properly, can be a valuable tool,” said Eric Sanders. “However, it is a well-accepted premise among the medical community that psychological testing that requires human analysis by a psychologist, is fraught implicit bias.”

Sanders adds: “In 1978, the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission [EEOC] adopted the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures [UGESP] under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Moreover, the UGESP provides uniform guidance for employers to ensure their testing and selection procedures are in compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In this case, Anderson was terminated for ‘unknown’ reasons presumably in violation of the UGESP guidelines.”

Ultimately, Anderson was terminated from the recruit program on August 14, 2023. Anderson believes that the termination was based upon unlawful racial discrimination, retaliation, and a direct violation of his civil rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The Charge of Discrimination [Charge No.: 520-2023-07747] was filed with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on September 18, 2023.


Fighting for Justice, and Reform to Promote Equal Opportunity

New York Civil Rights Lawyer Eric Sanders, Esq., of The Sanders Firm, P.C., has a proven track record of fighting injustice and discrimination. With over 19 years of experience, Mr. Sanders has successfully litigated civil rights cases involving law enforcement agencies. The firm holds these institutions accountable and pushes for meaningful reforms to promote equal opportunity. Over the years, Mr. Sanders has secured millions of dollars in compensatory damages for clients alleging discrimination and other violations of civil rights.


Eric Sanders, Esq.
President and Owner, The Sanders Firm, P.C.

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EEOC Charge of Discrimination



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