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The Sanders Firm, P.C.: Petition for Redress of Grievances

At The Sanders Firm, P.C. which serves those residing in the New York City area, we find that many people are unaware of their right to petition the government for the redress of grievances. Yet, this right is clearly stated in the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. It is an important right that gives each citizen the power to institute change and create a better future. The right to petition for redress of grievances first applied to the Congress and the federal court but the right to petition has expanded over the years.

Why Does This Right Exist?

The right, as stated in the First Amendment, says that Congress may make no law that will prohibit citizens “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” This basic freedom allowed those in the U.S. to seek redress for complaints without fear of reprisal. It has been expanded to include state governments, courts, and executive branches as well as all branches of the federal government. In addition, it is important to understand that no one may stop you from offering a petition in the same manner that you cannot be prohibited from becoming a member of an association.

How is it Done?

At The Sanders Firm, P.C., we work with those in the New York City area who want to exercise their right to petition to redress for grievances. There are various ways to utilize this basic right. Here are some examples of how citizens work towards instituting change.

The right to petition is often done today by organizations, individual citizens, and professional lobbyists. It takes many forms, including the introduction of bills into state and government legislatures that have first been created through the efforts of private citizens, organizations and others; meetings in which people speak with representatives of the various branches of the government to address social, political, and other such issues and causes, and through the courts through various cases such as those focusing on substantive due process.

The right to petition may also be undertaken, as it has at different times in the past, to redress grievances related to civil rights. In our recent history, this has included rights related to same sex marriage and health benefits for same sex couples. Environmental, health, hunger, and many other issues have also been brought to the forefront through this process. In essence, this right to petition is related to freedom of speech.

Utilizing Your Right to Grieve

At The Sanders Firm, P.C., we work with those who want to exercise their right to petition. If you or your group has a civil rights issue that you feel a need to redress, contact us. Also, if you believe you are in any way being pressured to forego this right by an employer, group, or other entity, we will address this issue too. It is your right, granted by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to petition and seek redress. Contact The Sanders Firm, P.C., we are your voice for justice.