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Female NYPD Officer Reports Sexual Harassment, Male Supervisor Claims ‘Insubordination!’

police car



Eric Sanders, Esq., of The Sanders Firm, P.C., has announced that NYPD police officer, Alexandria Sanchez, filed a charge of discrimination with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission [EEOC] against the police department of the City of New York. Sanchez alleges sexual harassment, hostile work environment and retaliation


NEW YORK – December 11, 2023 – The allegations in the Charge span a period from September 2019 through Spring 2023 during which time Sanchez claims she was hesitant to alert the Office of Equity and Inclusion [OEI] or the Internal Affairs Bureau [IAB] to investigate the sexual harassment, hostile work environment and retaliation for fear of retaliation based on what she had seen happen in similar situations over the years, and on personal advice from another officer and precinct union representative.

The Charge outlines a pattern of behavior that began when her Lieutenant selected Sanchez to accompany him in a police vehicle for a special assignment along with another Latina female officer. During the assignment, he made multiple inappropriate sexual advances towards her and the other female officer present in the vehicle and, unsolicited, shared a sexually explicit photo of his penis on his cellular telephone phone. This type of behavior continued over the course of the next several years including escalating incidents of insults, unwanted sexual advances and inappropriate touching, much of which happened in the presence of other officers including those in supervisory positions. The officers and supervisors failed to report the abuses.

Sanchez alleges that the Lieutenant and his supporters began retaliating against her in response to refusal of his unwanted sexual advances. These included unfair discipline, threatening transfer to a less desirable assignment, denying days off, attempting to revoke approved vacation time and berating her in front of colleagues. Sanchez claims she contacted several union representatives and spoke to the Principal Administrative Aide and was offered no legal recourse. The Principal Administrative Aide also failed to report the abuses.

Though she felt unsafe reporting these instances, Sanchez alleges ultimately sharing the abuses with the Office of Equity and Inclusion [OEI] in April 2023, despite continued concerns of retaliation. Sanchez alleges these were valid concerns as her report has resulted in additional retaliatory actions against her including allegations of false entries regarding her assignments, denial of overtime and days off and extra supervisory scrutiny by the Integrity Control Officer in support of her aggressor. As a result, Sanchez felt that she had no other choice than to file a Charge of Discrimination with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission [EEOC] to assert her legal rights under Title VII.  

“The continual blatant sexual harassment, hostility and retaliation that Sanchez faced from her Lieutenant, a position of authority and other supporters is appalling but, not shocking. Unfortunately, sexual harassment within the NYPD and the law enforcement community in general is a pervasive problem the management seem unwilling to eradicate,” said Eric Sanders. “What’s even more disturbing is that other officers who witnessed or were aware these incidents, including those with a reporting obligation, failed to speak up, said Sanders.”

The Charge of Discrimination [Charge No.: 520-2024-01624] was filed with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on December 11, 2023.


Fighting for Justice, and Reform to Promote Equal Opportunity

New York Civil Rights Lawyer Eric Sanders, Esq., of The Sanders Firm, P.C., has a proven track record of fighting injustice and discrimination. With over 19 years of experience, Mr. Sanders has successfully litigated civil rights cases involving law enforcement agencies. The firm holds these institutions accountable and pushes for meaningful reforms to promote equal opportunity. Over the years, Mr. Sanders has secured millions of dollars in compensatory damages for clients alleging discrimination and other violations of civil rights.


Eric Sanders, Esq.
President and Owner, The Sanders Firm, P.C.

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EEOC Charge of Discrimination 

New York Post 

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